Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reflections left off of last Monday's post!

Monday, August 22- Friday, August 26.
            Developing into a dependable teacher is my goal by all means. Because of this, I am trying to reflect on the various aspects of teaching and learn from these reflections.

One way that I wanted to try to reflect on my teaching is to try to list everyone in my classroom. I was able to successfully do this, and last names too!, but I wanted to see if there was a reason why I listed the children in the way that I did. I would put the list on here, but I did not want to have the children’s names on the Internet, even if it was just the first names! So, by reflecting on what I saw by the way that I listed them, I think that I interact pretty regularly with all of the students, even though I realize that the “top students” were the ones that I thought of first. I also thought of the ones that I have had to deal with the most throughout the week as far as behavior. With all that said, I believe that I have created a positive relationship with all of my students thus far and cannot wait to get to know them better! I have learned something new every day, some times too much! : )

I also took time to focus on what was being said/who was talking through a five minute interact with a group of students during reading time. I realized that students have a ton to say!! The students were doing most of the talking, leading the discussion about the book that we were reading, and even the quiet ones were responding to the discussion. I was beeping in giving my thoughts as well, but I was really surprised by these 4th graders and their abilities to keep a discussion continuing. I will definitely be keeping this in my mind as I continue my teaching development.

            Today I just wanted to reflect on the day as a whole. Fridays are crazy, that is for sure. I have come to love Fridays because students are excited for the weekend; therefore they are mostly happy and smiling. There are occasional students that do not care for the weekend as much as others, but altogether, Fridays are enjoyable days! I look forward to the remaining Fridays that I have with these students. I love when the students walk out of the room smiling and excited, telling everyone to have a good weekend. I especially miss these students over the weekend! 

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