Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Report Cards=Hard Work=Success!

On Tuesday, I have the privilege of interacting in a meeting with a the fourth grade teachers from my school and the fourth grade teachers from another school in our county in creating a new "standards based" report card for the upcoming year; the fourth grade is piloting this new report card. Who would have thought that so much goes into creating a new report card??

It was very interesting to listen to the teachers talk about what was needed, necessary, and unnecessary when deciding what to include on the report card. I honestly just thought that when you print a report card, it just has grades and requires little effort. HOWEVER being on the other side of this, I completely change my mind :) These teachers have put so much effort and time into creating a report card that not only reflects what the students are learning, but helps the parents understand what the report card is saying. There were many times during the meeting that the teachers had to change what was wrote or how the report card was put together because they wanted to make sure the parents would be clear on what was written.

By the end of the meeting, everyone was very pleased with what was accomplished. Many, MANY hours later, the report card is nearly finished. Not only is this a new report card, but the way the teachers keep track of the grades is changing too in order to keep things consistent. With that being said, it is very obvious that the teachers in this district love what they do. They spend so much extra time making changes that are better for the students as well as the parents. Seeing all this makes me realize that I have chosen a career that is right for me, and this district is full of teachers I would love to work with!

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