Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Assessment Created and Administered by ME!

Wednesday, the students were given the opportunity to show me everything they have learned throughout my unit on setting. Some observations I noticed:

  • Some students do not like taking written tests.
  • Some students STRIVE off of discussion questions.
  • Some students need more support than others when answering questions.
  • Some questions that I asked were not worded in the most kid-friendly ways. I found this out the hard way...
Overall, I was pleased with the assessment. I am not going to say I'm jumping up and down screaming happy, but I am pleased. I understand that students show their learning in various methods, so I cannot base the students complete learning off of a written assessment. I also have to take into consideration the conversations that I have with each student during our reading groups about settings and various components. 

By taking in this assessment and thinking about if the students are ready to move on to the next literary element, I believe that we need a bit more practice. While I cannot realistically spend 3 weeks on setting, I can still incorporate setting into our discussions and our learning through other subject matter. That is one thing that I really respect my mentor teacher for: She makes sure that we don't just abandon our previous learning. For example, if we move on to another topic, we are still talking about the previous topics in order to make sure the students continue to develop their understanding of the concept. 

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