Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zero Tolerance Area!

I have created a new rule for my students. My mentor teacher has her rules that are the main priority, and I have mine as well---which works out really well! We both respect each other's rules and the students do this as well. My new rule creates a zero tolerance area..Negative talking in not tolerated.

By negative talking, I mean the negative talking that occurs between students sometimes. I am aware that some students get caught up in the moment and lose control, however, when it becomes an issue, something has to be done.

I remind the students of my rule every day to make sure that they remember and can be practicing the opposite of my rule---Positive talking!!

I think it is very important to make sure that the students are communicating effectively, as well as, constructively between each other. Some of the students haven't learned how to accept constructive criticism, (which is hard to do!), and I am hoping that this zero tolerance area is helping the students develop into positive students.

When I hear a negative speaker, I make sure to point it out to the student, as well as, have the student repeat what they were trying to say, but in a more constructive manner. By having the students correct how they were talking, I have seen that they are beginning to think before they speak!

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