Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where does the time go??

Today was my first full day of teaching reading! To say I was fully confident would be a lie, however, my teacher has created an environment where I feel comfortable taking chances and being okay with messing up. Because of this environment, I was excited to see how my plans would turn out and how the students would react to my ideas of how to teach to their needs. We started off with a group discussion on what the word setting means by using a KWL chart. The students received post-it notes and wrote their ideas on the notes and placed them on the KWL chart. I did this because we have two different sections of reading groups and I wanted to keep one chart for both classes. Therefore, I could take down the notes and write them up at the end of the day. After the chart discussion, we read the book "Train to Somewhere" by Eve Bunting to demonstrate how the setting changes throughout the book. By the end of this book and with the discussion, my time was up! Because of the schedule we are on, I could not carry over into another subject area. It is crazy to see how quick the time goes by. It went by so quick I even forgot to allow the kids to eat their snacks!! Boy, they definitely reminded me though :)

Overall, I was very pleased with my first time teaching reading to these students! They really respected me, which I was worried about because usually student teachers are looked at as not being real teachers. However, these students were amazing. My mentor teacher actually had thought about having a conversation with the class about how I was taking over reading, but we decided that we should give them the benefit of the doubt and see how they did with me teaching. I was so so pleased with my class today!!

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