Monday, August 29, 2011

Lesson plans!

Lesson plans. If I had heard those words in my undergrad classes, I would whine and dread the task. That's exactly what lesson plans were to me: a task. HOWEVER I have completely had a change of heart. Lesson plans to me now are ideas to put on paper because quite honestly, throughout the chaos of the day, I am very likely to forget what exactly I am doing in a certain time of the day. I have started creating lesson plans for calendar math and they have really helped me in planning the order of what I want the students to learn and the plans have kept me on track. I am very thankful to have a teacher that likes having lesson plans, but does not necessarily have to have every question she is going to ask written out on paper. I believe that when you have to outline every single thing you are going to teach and ask, lesson plans become a task and I do not want that to happen.
On the other hand, I have realized that lesson plans need to be changed daily and should be a guide, not a strict schedule. Why, you ask? Well just in one week, we had a fire drill, a real fire emergency where we couldn't get into the classrooms until 8:15 which completely altered our plans, an unplanned family conference, and some unique student actions that caused class interruptions. What I mean by this is that life is very unpredictable, especially when there are 2 adults and 31 kids in a classroom. Therefore, lesson plans can definitely be altered based upon what gets completed the day before.
With all that being said, I am completely enjoying my time in my classroom. The students are great, the community is wonderful with amazing family support, and my teacher and I are getting along so well. I don't want my time to end :)

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