Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not Enough Hours in a Day

One thing that I will definitely take away from my student teaching experience is the fact that there just are not enough hours in a day!!

I'm trying to plan lessons that incorporate all the aspects that I want, and there just is not enough time! It is really frustrating to me because I now see how stressful it is to plan. I have all of these ideas that I want to do, but when social studies is only 45 minutes a day, and the rest of the day is packed with other lessons, it is hard to do!

I now have a deeper appreciation for the teachers that stay after school for long hours trying to do what's best for the students. While trying to integrate lessons is a hard task, it is necessary in order to keep students on track for what they need to learn and to still be entertained and engaged!

Once I gave directions today for a research day in the computer lab and we traveled to the computer lab, we had 25 minutes to research. 25!! I'm starting to wonder if my life is just flying by jet speed fast.

I am trying to assess various different aspects of what we are learning in each subject, but it is hard to do as well because we have deadlines for projects to be done, we have parents that do not support studying at home, and the students may be a day behind because they were absent! Plus, if we schedule all the assessments in the same week, it just seems like taking the SAT every day, which is boring for not only the students but the teacher as well!

So where is the answer for the best thing to do?!

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