Saturday, October 8, 2011

Field Trip!!

Also on Friday, I was able to experience a field trip. Boy were the students excited!!

I was aware that it took preparation for the field trip to work, however, it takes A LOT of preparation to get everything arranged!! From getting lunches ready, to getting stickers for each student to wear with their names on it, the teachers work really hard in preparation!!

We traveled by bus to a local college to watch James and the Giant Peach performed by local members of the community. The students absolutely loved going to a college, first off. They were all asking if this is where I went and were excited to step foot on a college campus.

We watched the play, which the children enjoyed, and then traveled to a local park to eat lunch. The students enjoyed the free time they had to eat and play with friends from other classes, and we were back to school by 1:00.

By talking with the students, it was clear that this was a perfect way to end the week. We had a great time at the play and hanging out at the park. However, it was stressful making sure that every student was accounted for at the park! We had parents from the class volunteer to help with us. But it was still stressful making sure that every kid saw their group parent!

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