Saturday, October 1, 2011

Homecoming Parade--

One aspect of teaching that the university classes do not prepare you for are homecoming parade days :)
Boy, do these kids get excited when it comes to these type of activities!! We painted faces, students made signs, and tons of screaming occurred! It's a good thing that we scheduled science presentations on the day of this parade because there is absolutely no way that we could keep these students' focus when they are thinking about the parade and after they get all worked up!

It was really exciting to see how the students reacted to seeing the football players, the band, the various floats and the cheerleaders. Many of these groups interact together because the high school teaches some of the elementary camps during the summer. I believe that these parades do more than just get the students excited for the homecoming game. I think these parades allow the students to see the people that they look up to most.

The students were smiling so big when their role models walked by. I took a few pictures of the students on this crazy day :)

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