Monday, November 7, 2011

Projects coming to a close!

For our social studies unit, we are working on Native Americans and how they used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter. The student have spent a few weeks researching (due to interruptions such as clusters and field trips), and they are now working on how they are going to present their information found. The students are working in groups, which has been an interesting and learning experience for me, and therefore, they are presenting as a group.

I have allowed the students in their groups to break apart and work on various components of their project together. I believe that in the future, I won't do this again, but once I said it, there was no taking it back! Some students strive on power point, some love to do arts and crafts, and some love to write. While all three of these components are in their project, I thought they could break apart to complete these tasks. However, once I have seen some issues arise based on this decision, I have decided it wasn't my best one :) But hey, at least I'm learning from my mistakes!

The students are working on dioramas to aide in their presentation. They are really getting into these things!! The whole project is completed at school, however, I told them that if they wanted to do some at home to bring in, that was more than okay. So, some students have gone above and beyond to complete their dioramas.

There will be pictures to come once they present their projects! I'm excited to see what they do!!

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